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C a s t●●●●●○●●●●●○●●●●●○●●●●●○●●●●●○●●●●●○●●●●●○
Alaska / Willam / Courtney Act / Japanese Queen and more…
1F All standing: SS (with Meet &Greet) ¥30,000
∟ For customers with SS (with M&G) tickets, the event will be held from 17:00. (Doors open at 16:45)
1F All standing: S ¥12,000
1F All Standing: A ¥8,000
2F All standing: 2F ¥9,900
*For 1F / 2F All standing tickets, admission will be in order of reference number.
*Apart from the ticket fee, additional 1 drink fee will be required when entering.
*Those under the age of 16 are not allowed to enter.
-Performers are subject to change. If the performer changes, the ticket will not be refunded.
-Resale for commercial purposes are prohibited.
-Bringing in alcohol and drunken people are not allowed to enter.
-Acts that disturb customers are completely prohibited. Customers who do not follow the rules will be asked to leave the venue.
- Even if you are refused admission and/or asked to leave, we will not refund the ticket fee.
Zepp Shinjuku (TOKYO)
https://www.zepp.co.jp/hall/shinjuku/東京都, 日本
東京都新宿区歌舞伎町一丁目29番1号 東急歌舞伎町タワーB1F - B4F
Select ticket
1F All Standing:SS (with Meet &Greet)
1F All Standing:S
1F All Standing:A
2F All Standing:2F